Workshops, Projects and Reflection Formats for Schools and Groups
At TaO!, we view theatre pedagogy as a playful way to help young people create their own experiences and reach their own conclusions, rather than as a means to educate or impart knowledge through inflexible material. This theatre–pedagogy approach is reflected in all our work, from choosing offers to realising and embedding them.
Interactive introductions and follow-ups to our productions encourage our young visitors to immerse themselves in a very personal theatre adventure, reflect on their experiences and express their opinions. In multi-hour workshop formats, we try to create theatrical worlds in which young participants can try themselves out and practise social skills. Finally, theatre projects with schools and institutions give us the chance to develop performances with young people in which they can present their ideas, visions and opinions to a broad audience.
Theatre pedagogy is one of TaO!’s core fields of expertise, and we continue to test its limits. Digital and multimedia formats let us explore new forms of interaction, while interactive theatrical do-it-yourself formats blur the lines between actors and recipients.