Theatre Exploration

Exploring and Developing Theatre for a Young Audience

When professional artists and young actors meet at TaO!, their encounters create the friction that is the starting point for our work. The theatrical results are not just performances for a young audience, but rather ways to present perspectives and critically analyse issues of an adolescent generation. Using current aesthetics, the performances provide insight into the lives and minds of young people, without wanting to educate the audience.

Therefore, moving from a theatre for a young audience to a theatre of a young generation is a logical development that challenges traditional pigeonholing and set structures between viewers and actors. At TaO!, we collaborate with young people in various projects in order to explore and test out new paths for the future of such a theatre.

Our diverse projects include involving young people in the design of our theatre space and its events, supporting and connecting young artists, as well as exploring the medium of theatre in a digitalised society. Long-term goals are collaborative developments and national as well as international networks.

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